Alphabetical Lesson List: (39) lessons starting with the letter A

[+]   Absolute Difference
Free Absolute Difference Calculator - Calculates the absolute difference between 2 numbers

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video

Examples (2):
absolute difference for 5 and 2
calculate the absolute difference for 20 and -5


[+]   Absolute Value
Free Absolute Value Calculator - Add, subtract, multiply or divide any two numbers with absolute value signs. Positive Difference.

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video

Examples (8):


[+]   Acceleration
Free Acceleration Calculator - Solves for any of the 4 items in the acceleration equation including initial velocity, velocity, and time.

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator


[+]   Accounting Formulas
Free Accounting Formulas Calculator - Shows various accounting formulas

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator

Examples (0):


[+]   Accounting Rate of Return
Free Accounting Rate of Return Calculator - Given an initial investment and a set of returns, this calculates the Accounting Rate of Return

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video


[+]   Accuracy and Precision
Free Accuracy and Precision Calculator - Given an integer or decimal, this determines the precision and accuracy (scale)

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video

Examples (2):
precision of 56.789
accuracy of 45.123679


[+]   Activity Method Depreciation
Free Activity Method Depreciation Calculator - Calculates the following: Depreciable Base, Depreciation per Unit, Depreciation for Period

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video


[+]   Addition and Multiplication Multiples
[+]   Addition and Multiplication Tables (Times Tables)
Free Addition and Multiplication Tables (Times Tables) Calculator - Shows the color coded addition or multiplication table entries and answer for any 2 numbers 1-15.

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video


[+]   Addition Equality Property
Free Addition Equality Property Calculator - Demonstrates the Addition Equality Property Numerical Properties

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator


[+]   Addition of 3 or more numbers
Free Addition of 3 or more numbers Calculator - This calculator performs addition with carrying and an addition grid for 3 or more numbers.

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video

Examples (1):


[+]   Addition Property Of Inequality
Free Addition Property Of Inequality Calculator - Demonstrates the Addition Property Of Inequality. Numerical Properties

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator


[+]   Additive Identity Property
Free Additive Identity Property Calculator - Displays the line by line proof for the additive identity property Numerical Properties

Features:  Calculator | Watch the Video

Examples (5):
additive identity
zero property
transitive property
multiplicative inverse


[+]   Additive Inverse Property
[+]   Affine Cipher
Free Affine Cipher Calculator - Builds the Affine Cipher Translation Algorithm from a string given an a and b value

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator


[+]   Age Difference
Free Age Difference Calculator - Determines the ages for an age difference word problem.

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator

Examples (1):
Alvin is 12 years younger than Elga. The sum of their ages is 60. What is Elgas age?


[+]   Age Word Problems
Free Age Word Problems Calculator - Determines age in age word problems

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator


[+]   Algebra Master (Polynomials)
Free Algebra Master (Polynomials) Calculator - Given 2 polynomials this does the following:
1) Polynomial Addition
2) Polynomial Subtraction

Also generates binomial theorem expansions and polynomial expansions with or without an outside constant multiplier.

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video

Examples (1):


[+]   Algebra Summary
Free Algebra Summary Calculator - This is a summary of algebra notes

Features:  Calculator


[+]   Algebraic Expressions
Free Algebraic Expressions Calculator - This calculator builds algebraic expressions based on word representations of numbers using the four operators and the words that represent them(increased,product,decreased,divided,times) Also known as Mathematical phrases

Features:  Calculator | Watch the Video

Examples (7):
fifteen less than three times a number
the product of seventeen and a number divided by five
the sum of 5 and three times a number
twelve less than three times a number squared
product of x and 3
25% of n
4/17 of y


[+]   Algebraic Substitutions
Free Algebraic Substitutions Calculator - Given an algebraic statement with variables [a-z], this calculator takes a set of given substitution values, i.e., x=2,y=3,z=4, and evaluates your statement using the substitution values.

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video

Examples (1):
2y^2-y+5 when y= -4


[+]   Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
Free Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Calculator - Performs 1 way analysis of variance or 2 way analysis of variance on a set of data with critical value test and conclusion.

Features:  Calculator | Watch the Video


[+]   Angle of Elevation
[+]   Angle Ratio for a Triangle
Free Angle Ratio for a Triangle Calculator - Given an angle ratio for a triangle of a:b:c, this determines the angle measurements of the triangle.

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video

Examples (1):
A triangle has an angle ratio of 3:5:7. What are the angles


[+]   Angular Momentum
Free Angular Momentum Calculator - Solves for any of the 4 variables in the angular momentum equation, L, V, M, and R

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video


[+]   Annuities
Free Annuities Calculator - Solves for Present Value, Accumulated Value (Future Value or Savings), Payment, or N of an Annuity Immediate or Annuity Due.

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator

Examples (3):
PVFIA (3%,7)


[+]   Annulus
Free Annulus Calculator - Calculates the area of an annulus and the equation of the annulus using the radius of the large and small concentric circles.

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video

Examples (1):
An annulus has an outer radius of 12 and an inner radius of 5


[+]   Antilog
[+]   Approximate Square Root Using Exponential Identity
Free Approximate Square Root Using Exponential Identity Calculator - Calculates the square root of a positive integer using the Exponential Identity Method

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video


[+]   Approximations of Interest Rate
Free Approximations of Interest Rate Calculator - Interest Rate Approximations: Approximates a yield rate of interest based on 4 methods:
1) Max Yield denoted as imax
2) Min Yield denoted as imin
3) Constant Ratio denoted as icr
4) Direct Ratio denoted as idr

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator


[+]   Arc Length and Area of a Sector of a Circle
Free Arc Length and Area of a Sector of a Circle Calculator - Calculates the arc length of a circle and the area of the sector of a circle

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video

Examples (2):


[+]   Area Conversions
Free Area Conversions Calculator - This calculator converts between the following area measurements:
square inch
square foot
square yard
square mile
square millimeter
square meter
square kilometer

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator

Examples (2):
2 acres
5 sq. miles


[+]   Arithmetic and Geometric and Harmonic Sequences
Free Arithmetic and Geometric and Harmonic Sequences Calculator - This will take an arithmetic series or geometric series or harmonic series, and an optional amount (n), and determine the following information about the sequence
1) Explicit Formula
2) The remaining terms of the sequence up to (n)
3) The sum of the first (n) terms of the sequence Also known as arithmetic sequence, geometric sequence, and harmonic sequence

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator | Watch the Video

Examples (1):
{1, 9, 17, 25, . . .}


[+]   Arithmetic Annuity
Free Arithmetic Annuity Calculator - Calculates the Present Value, Accumulated Value (Future Value), First Payment, or Arithmetic Progression of an Increasing or Decreasing Arithmetic Annuity Immediate.

Features:  Calculator


[+]   Arithmetic Perpetuities
Free Arithmetic Perpetuities Calculator - Solves for Present Value, First Payment, Arithmetic Payment, or Interest rate for an Arithmetic Perpetuity Immediate or Due

Features:  Calculator | Quiz Generator | Practice Problem Generator


[+]   ASCII and Text Conversion
Free ASCII and Text Conversion Calculator - This converts a string to ASCII or ASCII to a string.

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator


[+]   Associative Property
Free Associative Property Calculator - Demonstrates the associative property using 3 numbers. Covers the Associative Property of Addition and Associative Property of Multiplication. Also known as the Associative Law of Addition and Associative Law of Multiplication Numerical Properties

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator


[+]   ASVAB Exam Questions
Exam Questions from the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)

Features:  Calculator


[+]   Automorphic Number
Free Automorphic Number Calculator - This calculator determines the nth automorphic number

Features:  Calculator | Practice Problem Generator

Examples (2):
30th automorphic number
45th triangular number
