Type Addition Statement:

Add the following 4 numbers: 2 + 3 + 4 + 5

Add up the entries in blue for Column 2


Column 2 →  5 + 4 + 3 + 2 = 14
Since 14 is greater than 9, we take the digit farthest to the right of our answer which is 4
We also carry the digit farthest to the left which is 1 for Column 1

Add up the entries in blue for Column 1


We carry a value of 1 from the last step
Column 1 →  Bring down the 1 from Column 1 and we are finished

What is the Answer?
How does the Addition of 3 or more numbers Calculator work?
Free Addition of 3 or more numbers Calculator - This calculator performs addition with carrying and an addition grid for 3 or more numbers.
This calculator has 1 input.

What 4 concepts are covered in the Addition of 3 or more numbers Calculator?

math operation involving the sum of elements
addition of 3 or more numbers
basic math
Elementary math subject to help students understand fundamentals, before moving on to more difficult subjects
Example calculations for the Addition of 3 or more numbers Calculator

Addition of 3 or more numbers Calculator Video


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