20 results

midpoint - the middle point of a line segment. It is equidistant from both endpoints. It bisects the segment.

A company had sales of $19,808 million in 1999 and $28,858 million in 2007. Use the Midpoint Formula
A company had sales of $19,808 million in 1999 and $28,858 million in 2007. Use the Midpoint Formula to estimate the sales in 2003 2003 is the midpoint of 1999 and 2007, so we use our [URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/mptnline.php?ept1=19808&empt=&ept2=28858&pl=Calculate+missing+Number+Line+item']midpoint calculator[/URL] to get: [B]24,333[/B] sales in 2003

A is 0 and AR=19 what is the midpoint
A is 0 and AR=19 what is the midpoint [URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/mptnline.php?ept1=0&empt=&ept2=19&pl=Calculate+missing+Number+Line+item']Using our midpoint calculator, with one point at 0, and the other point at 19[/URL], we get the midpoint M: M = [B]19/2 or 9.5[/B]

A line joins A (1, 3) to B (5, 8). (a) (i) Find the midpoint of AB.
A line joins A (1, 3) to B (5, 8). (a) (i) Find the midpoint of AB. We type in (1,3),(5,8) to our search engine. We [URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/slope.php?xone=1&yone=3&slope=+2%2F5&xtwo=5&ytwo=8&pl=You+entered+2+points']choose our midpoint of 2 points calculator,[/URL] and we get: [B](3, 11/2)[/B]

A line segment has the endpoints S(10, 7) and T(2, 7). Find the coordinates of its midpoint M.
A line segment has the endpoints S(10, 7) and T(2, 7). Find the coordinates of its midpoint M. [URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/slope.php?xone=2&yone=7&slope=+&xtwo=10&ytwo=7&bvalue=+&pl=You+entered+2+points']Using our midpoint calculator[/URL], we get: M = [B](6, 7)[/B]

A segment has an endpoint at (2, 1). The midpoint is at (5, 1). What are the coordinates of the othe
A segment has an endpoint at (2, 1). The midpoint is at (5, 1). What are the coordinates of the other endpoint? The other endpoint is (8,1) using our [URL='http://www.mathcelebrity.com/mptnline.php?ept1=2&empt=5&ept2=&pl=Calculate+missing+Number+Line+item']midpoint calculator.[/URL]

A young dad, who was a star football player in college, set up a miniature football field for his fi
A young dad, who was a star football player in college, set up a miniature football field for his five-year-old young daughter, who was already displaying an unusual talent for place-kicking. At each end of the mini-field, he set up goal posts so she could practice kicking extra points and field goals. He was very careful to ensure the goalposts were each straight up and down and that the crossbars were level. On each set, the crossbar was six feet long, and a string from the top of each goalpost to the midpoint between them on the ground measured five feet. How tall were the goalposts? How do you know this to be true? The center of each crossbar is 3 feet from each goalpost. We get this by taking half of 6, since midpoint means halfway. Imagine a third post midway between the two goal posts. It has the same height as the two goalposts. From the center post, the string from the top of a goalpost to the base of the center post, and half the crossbar form and right triangle with hypotenuse 5 feet and one leg 3 feet. [URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/pythag.php?side1input=&side2input=3&hypinput=5&pl=Solve+Missing+Side']Using the Pythagorean Theorem[/URL], the other leg -- the height of each post -- is 4 feet.

B is the midpoint of AC and BC=5
B is the midpoint of AC and BC=5 Since the midpoint divides a segment into two equal segments, we know that: AB = BC So AB =[B] 5[/B] And AC = 5 + 5 = [B]10[/B]

C is the midpoint of BD then BC congruent CD
C is the midpoint of BD then BC congruent CD [URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/proofs.php?num=cisthemidpointofbd&pl=Prove']True using this proof[/URL]

Free Chord Calculator - Solves for any of the 3 items in the Chord of a Circle equation, Chord Length (c), Radius (r), and center to chord midpoint (t).

Find the midpoint of the set of points (4,4) and (0,6)
Find the midpoint of the set of points (4,4) and (0,6) We [URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/slope.php?xone=4&yone=4&slope=+2%2F5&xtwo=0&ytwo=6&pl=You+entered+2+points']type in (4,4) and (0,6) into our search engine [/URL]and we get: Midpoint = [B](2, 5)[/B]

If approximately 68% of the scores lie between 40.7 and 59.9 , then the approximate value of the sta
If approximately 68% of the scores lie between 40.7 and 59.9 , then the approximate value of the standard deviation for the distribution, according to the empirical rule, is The empirical rule states 68% of the values lie within 1 standard deviation of the mean. The mean is the midpoint of the interval above: (59.9 + 40.7)/2 = 50.3 Standard deviation is the absolute value of the mean - endpoint |59.9 - 50.3| = [B]9.6[/B]

Line Equation-Slope-Distance-Midpoint-Y intercept
Free Line Equation-Slope-Distance-Midpoint-Y intercept Calculator - Enter 2 points, and this calculates the following:
* Slope of the line (rise over run) and the line equation y = mx + b that joins the 2 points
* Midpoint of the two points
* Distance between the 2 points
* 2 remaining angles of the rignt triangle formed by the 2 points
* y intercept of the line equation
* Point-Slope Form
* Parametric Equations and Symmetric Equations

Or, if you are given a point on a line and the slope of the line including that point, this calculates the equation of that line and the y intercept of that line equation, and point-slope form.

Also allows for the entry of m and b to form the line equation

M is the midpoint of AB. Prove AB = 2AM
M is the midpoint of AB. Prove AB = 2AM M is the midpoint of AB (Given) AM = MB (Definition of Congruent Segments) AM + MB = AB (Segment Addition Postulate) AM + AM = AB (Substitution Property of Equality) 2AM = AB (Distributive property) [MEDIA=youtube]8BNo_4kvBzw[/MEDIA]

m is the midpoint of cf for points c(3,4) and f(9,8). Find MF
m is the midpoint of cf for points c(3,4) and f(9,8). Find MF Using our [URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/slope.php?xone=3&yone=4&slope=+2%2F5&xtwo=9&ytwo=8&pl=You+entered+2+points']line equation and midpoint calculator[/URL], we get: MF = [B](6, 6)[/B]

Midpoint formula
Midpoint formula Given two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2), the midpoint is found as the average distance between the 2 points: [LIST] [*]x value is: (x1 + x2)/2 [*]y value is: (y1 + y2)/2 [/LIST] So our midpoint is: ((x1 + x2)/2, (y1 + y2)/2)

Number Line Midpoint
Free Number Line Midpoint Calculator - Calculates a midpoint between 2 points on a number line or finds the second endpoint if one endpoint and midpoint are given.

Point P is located at -15 and point Q is located at 6 on a number line. Which value would represent
Point P is located at -15 and point Q is located at 6 on a number line. Which value would represent point T, the midpoint of PQ? Using our [URL='https://www.mathcelebrity.com/mptnline.php?ept1=-15&empt=&ept2=6&pl=Calculate+missing+Number+Line+item']midpoint calculator[/URL], we get: T = [B]-4.5[/B]

the midpoint between m and n
the midpoint between m and n The [I]midpoint is halfway between[/I] m and n: [B](m + n)/2[/B]

What is a Segment
Free What is a Segment Calculator - This lesson walks you through what a segment is and the various implications of a segment in geometry including the midpoint of a segment.

What number is half between 1.24 and 1.8?
What number is half between 1.24 and 1.8? Halfway between two points is called the midpoint. Using out [URL='http://www.mathcelebrity.com/mptnline.php?ept1=1.24&empt=&ept2=1.8&pl=Calculate+missing+Number+Line+item']midpoint calculator[/URL], we get 1.52: