Enter pentagon info

<-- Side Length
<-- Apothem

Given a Pentagon with:

apothem (a) = 11 and side = 16

Calculate the Perimeter (P) and Area (A)

Calculate Perimeter:

P = 5 x s
P = 5 x 16
P = 80

Calculate Area:

A  =  a x s

A  =  11 x 16

A  =  176

A = 44

Other Properties:

Sides (Edges) = 5

Faces = 1

Vertices = 5

Final Answers

A = 44
Sides (Edges) = 5
Faces = 1
Vertices = 5

You have 2 free calculationss remaining

What is the Answer?
A = 44
Sides (Edges) = 5
Faces = 1
Vertices = 5
How does the Pentagons Calculator work?
Free Pentagons Calculator - Given a side length and an apothem, this calculates the perimeter and area of the pentagon.
This calculator has 2 inputs.

What 2 formulas are used for the Pentagons Calculator?

P = 5 x s
A = a x s/4

For more math formulas, check out our Formula Dossier

What 6 concepts are covered in the Pentagons Calculator?

a line segment from the center to the midpoint of one of its sides
Number of square units covering the shape
a polygon of five angles and five sides
The distance around a shape or object
A plane figure bounded by a set of straight lines
line segment joining two vertices in a polygon also known as an edge

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