Convert 3 IUs to other weight values:

We use the international units measure

Convert 3 IUs to Vit. A Retinol mcgs:

Vit. A Retinol mcgs 1 IU is the biological equivalent of 0.3 mcg

Vit. A Retinol mcgs = IU * 0.3

Vit. A Retinol mcgs = 3 * 0.3

Vit. A Retinol mcgs = 0.9

Convert 3 IUs to Vit. A Beta-Carotene mcgs:

Vit. A Beta-Carotene mcgs 1 IU is the biological equivalent of 0.6 mcg

Vit. A Beta-Carotene mcgs = IU * 0.6

Vit. A Beta-Carotene mcgs = 3 * 0.6

Vit. A Beta-Carotene mcgs = 1.8

Convert 3 IUs to Vit. C L-Asorbic Acid mcgs:

Vit. C L-Asorbic Acid mcgs 1 IU is the biological equivalent of 50 mcg

Vit. C L-Asorbic Acid mcgs = IU * 50

Vit. C L-Asorbic Acid mcgs = 3 * 50

Vit. C L-Asorbic Acid mcgs = 150

Convert 3 IUs to Vit.n D cholecalciferol mcgs:

Vit.n D cholecalciferol mcgs 1 IU is the biological equivalent of 0.025 mcg

Vit.n D cholecalciferol mcgs = IU * 0.025

Vit.n D cholecalciferol mcgs = 3 * 0.025

Vit.n D cholecalciferol mcgs = 0.075

Convert 3 IUs to Vit. E d-alpha-tocopherol mcgs:

Vit. E d-alpha-tocopherol mcgs 1 IU is the biological equivalent of 0.67 mg

Vit. E d-alpha-tocopherol mcgs = IU * 0.67

Vit. E d-alpha-tocopherol mcgs = 3 * 0.67

Vit. E d-alpha-tocopherol mcgs = 2.01

Convert 3 IUs to Vit. E dl-alpha-tocopherol mcgs:

Vit. E dl-alpha-tocopherol mcgs 1 IU is the biological equivalent of 0.9 mg

Vit. E dl-alpha-tocopherol mcgs = IU * 0.9

Vit. E dl-alpha-tocopherol mcgs = 3 * 0.9

Vit. E dl-alpha-tocopherol mcgs = 2.7

Final Answer


What is the Answer?
How does the International Unit Conversions Calculator work?
Free International Unit Conversions Calculator - This calculator converts between the following weight measurements:
* International Units (IU)
* mcg
* mg

This calculator has 1 input.

What 3 concepts are covered in the International Unit Conversions Calculator?

a number used to change one set of units to another, by multiplying or dividing
international unit conversions
the measure of how heavy an object is
Example calculations for the International Unit Conversions Calculator


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