3 results

vertices - Multiple vertexes

Eulers Formula for Planar Geometry
Free Eulers Formula for Planar Geometry Calculator - This calculator solves for any one of the 3 following items using Eulers Formula for planar geometry:
* Vertices (v)
* Faces (f)
* Edges (e)

Triangle Coordinate Items
Free Triangle Coordinate Items Calculator - Enter 3 points for the vertices of a triangle, and this will calculate the area of that triangle and the centroid.

Triangle KLM has vertices at . k(-2,-2), l(10,-2), m(4,4) What type of triangle is KLM?
Triangle KLM has vertices at . k(-2,-2), l(10,-2), m(4,4) What type of triangle is KLM? [URL='']Side 1: KL[/URL] = 12 [URL='']Side 2: LM[/URL] = 8.4853 [URL='']Side 3: KM[/URL] = 6.3246 Then, we want to find the type of triangle. Using our [URL='']triangle solver with our 3 sides[/URL], we get: [B]Obtuse, Scalene[/B]