Question Type: Arithmetic Reasoning (AR)

1)  A car tire rotates 412 times in one minute. How many rotations does it make in 15 minutes:
  A)  4,944
  B)  5,356
  C)  6,180
  D)  7,416

412 * 15 = 6,180
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Question Type: Arithmetic Reasoning (AR)

2)  2 out of every 7 people cast a vote for candidate A. 182 people voted. How many voted for Candidate B.
  A)  52
  B)  130
  C)  26
  D)  13

If 2/7 vote for Candidate A, then 5/7 vote for Candidate B, therefore we have 5 * 182 / 7 = 130
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Question Type: Arithmetic Reasoning (AR)

3)  A car costs 9,500 dollars. If depreciation is 13% per year, how much is the car worth after 2 years?
  A)  9,500
  B)  1,235
  C)  8,265
  D)  7,191

13% per year is 100 - 13% = 87% of the remaining value for 2 years
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Question Type: Mathematics Knowledge (MK)

4)  What is the square root of 256 ÷ 4?
  A)  4
  B)  64
  C)  8
  D)  √8

The square root of a fraction can be found by simplifying the fraction first. 256/4 = 64 and √64 = 8
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Question Type: Mathematics Knowledge (MK)

5)  A brick has a length of 9, height of 4, and width of 6, what is the Volume ?
  A)  216
  B)  36
  C)  54
  D)  128

V = l x w x h
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Question Type: Mathematics Knowledge (MK)

6)  Factor 9x2 - 4y2
  A)  3x + 2y
  B)  3x - 2y
  C)  3x - 5y
  D)  13x - 2y

This is a difference of squares problem
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