Nava is 17 years older than Edward. the sum of Navas age and Edwards ages id 29. How old is Nava?

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Feb 24, 2018.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    Nava is 17 years older than Edward. the sum of Navas age and Edwards ages id 29. How old is Nava?

    Let Nava's age be n and Edward's age be e. We have 2 equations:

    1. n = e + 17
    2. n + e = 29
    Substitute (1) into (2)
    (e + 17) + e = 29

    Group like terms:
    2e + 17 = 29

    Running this equation through our search engine, we get:
    e = 6

    Substitute this into equation (1)
    n = 6 + 17
    n = 23

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