Out of 53 teachers 36 drink tea 18 drink coffee, 10 drink neither. how many drink both?

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Apr 29, 2018.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    Out of 53 teachers 36 drink tea 18 drink coffee, 10 drink neither. how many drink both?

    Let T be tea drinkers
    Let C be coffee drinkers
    Let (T & C) be Tea & Coffee drinkers.
    And 53 are total. So we use the Union formula relation:

    C U T = C + T - (C & T)
    53 = 18 + 36 - (C & T)

    C & T = 53 - (Not C & Not T) since we subtract people who don't drink coffee and don't drink tea
    C & T = 53 - 10 = 43
    C U T = 18 + 36 - 43
    C U T = 11

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