A daily pass costs $62. A season ski pass costs $450. The skier would have to rent skis with eithe

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Aug 30, 2018.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    A daily pass costs $62. A season ski pass costs $450. The skier would have to rent skis with either pass for $30 per day. How many days would the skier have to go skiing in order to make the season pass less expensive than the daily passes?

    Let d be the number of days the skier attends.

    Calculate the daily cost:
    Daily Total Cost = Daily Cost + Rental Cost
    Daily Total Cost = 62d + 30d
    Daily Total Cost = 92d

    Calculate Season Cost:
    Season Total Cost = Season Fee + Rental Cost
    Season Total Cost = 450 + 30d

    Set the daily total cost and season cost equal to each other:
    450 + 30d = 92d

    Typing this equation into the search engine, we get d = 7.258.
    We round up to the next full day of 8.

    Now check our work:
    Daily Total Cost for 8 days = 92(8) = 736
    Season Cost for 8 days = 30(8) + 450 = 240 + 450 = 710.

    Therefore, the skier needs to go at least 8 days to make the season cost less than the daily cot.

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