A candlestick burns at a rate of 0.2 inches per hour. After eight straight hours of burning, the can

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Nov 10, 2018.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    A candlestick burns at a rate of 0.2 inches per hour. After eight straight hours of burning, the candlestick is 13.4 inches tall. Write and solve a linear equation to find the original height of the candle.

    Let h equal the number of hours the candlestick burns. We have a candlestick height equation of C.
    C = 13.4 + 0.2(8) <-- We need to add back the 8 hours of candlestick burning
    C = 13.4 + 1.6
    C = 15 inches

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