You spend $91 shopping for new clothes. You spend $24 for a pair of jeans and 35$ for a pair of shoe

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, May 25, 2019.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    You spend $91 shopping for new clothes. You spend $24 for a pair of jeans and 35$ for a pair of shoes. You also buy 4 shirts that cost d dollars. How much is each shirt?

    Subtract the cost of the jeans and shoes to get the cost of the shirts:
    Cost of shirts = Shopping Spend - Cost of Jeans - Cost of Shoes
    Cost of shirts = $91 - $24 - $35
    Cost of shirts = $32

    We're given the cost of each shirt is s, and we bought 4 shirts. Therefore, we have:
    4s = 32

    Type this equation into the search engine, and we get the cost of each shirt s = $8

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