Kelly took clothes to the cleaners 3 times last month. First, she brought 4 shirts and 1 pair of sla

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Jul 23, 2019.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    Kelly took clothes to the cleaners 3 times last month. First, she brought 4 shirts and 1 pair of slacks and paid11.45. Then she brought 5 shirts, 3 pairs of slacks, and 1 sports coat and paid 27.41. Finally, she brought 5 shirts and 1 sports coat and paid 16.94. How much was she charged for each shirt, each pair of slacks, and each sports coat?

    Let s be the cost of shirts, p be the cost of slacks, and c be the cost of sports coats. We're given:
    1. 4s + p = 11.45
    2. 5s + 3p + c = 27.41
    3. 5s + c = 16.94
    Rearrange (1) by subtracting 4s from each side:
    p = 11.45 - 4s

    Rearrange (3)by subtracting 5s from each side:
    c = 16.94 - 5s

    Take those rearranged equations, and plug them into (2):
    5s + 3(11.45 - 4s) + (16.94 - 5s) = 27.41

    Multiply through:
    5s + 34.35 - 12s + 16.94 - 5s = 27.41

    Group like terms using our equation calculator and we get:
    s = 1.99 <-- Shirt Cost

    Plug s = 1.99 into modified equation (1):
    p = 11.45 - 4(1.99)
    p = 11.45 - 7.96
    p = 3.49 <-- Slacks Cost

    Plug s = 1.99 into modified equation (3):
    c = 16.94 - 5(1.99)
    c = 16.94 - 9.95
    c = 6.99 <-- Sports Coat cost

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