A vendor sells h hot dogs and s sodas. If a hot dog costs twice as much as a soda, and if the vendor

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Nov 5, 2019.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    A vendor sells h hot dogs and s sodas. If a hot dog costs twice as much as a soda, and if the vendor takes in a total of d dollars, how many cents does a soda cost?

    Let the cost of the soda be p. So the cost of a hot dog is 2p.

    The total cost of hot dogs:

    The total cost of sodas:

    The total cost of both equals d. So we set the total cost of hots dogs plus sodas equal to d:
    2hp + ps = d

    We want to know the cost of a soda (p). So we have a literal equation. We factor out p from the left side:
    p(2h + s) = d

    Divide each side of the equation by (2h + s)
    p(2h + s)/(2h + s) = d/(2h + s)

    Cancel the (2h + s) on the left side, we get:
    p = d/(2h + s)

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