Marty is 3 years younger than 6 times his friend Warrens age. The sum of their ages is greater than

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Oct 25, 2016.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    Marty is 3 years younger than 6 times his friend Warrens age. The sum of their ages is greater than 11. What is the youngest age Warren can be?

    Let m be Marty's age and w be Warren's age. We have two equations:
    (1) m = 6w - 3
    (2) m + w > 11

    Plug (1) into (2)
    6w - 3 + w > 11

    Combine w terms
    7w - 3 > 11

    Add 3 to each side
    7w > 14

    Divide each side by 7
    w > 2 which means w = 3 as the youngest age.

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