Bob bought 10 note books and 4 pens for 18$. Bill bought 6 notebooks and 4 pens for 12$. Find the pr

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Feb 23, 2020.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    Bob bought 10 note books and 4 pens for 18$. Bill bought 6 notebooks and 4 pens for 12$. Find the price of one note book and one pen.

    Let the price of each notebook be n. Let the price of each pen be p. We're given two equations:
    1. 10n + 4p = 18
    2. 6n + 4p = 12
    Since we have matching coefficients for p, we subtract equation 1 from equation 2:
    (10 - 6)n + (4 - 4)p = 18 - 12

    Simplifying and cancelling, we get:
    4n = 6

    Type this equation into our search engine and we get:
    n = 1.5

    Now, substitute this value for n into equation (2):
    6(1.5) + 4p = 12

    Multiply through:
    9 + 4p = 12

    Type this equation into our search engine and we get:
    p = 0.75

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