Jill and Jack are getting vegetables from the Farmer's Market. Jill buys 12 carrots and 8 tomatoes f

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Mar 19, 2020.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    Jill and Jack are getting vegetables from the Farmer's Market. Jill buys 12 carrots and 8 tomatoes for $34. Jack buys 10 carrots and 7 tomatoes for $29. How much does each carrot and each tomato cost?

    Let the cost of carrots be c and the cost of tomatoes be t. Since the total cost is price times quantity, We're given two equations:
    1. 12c + 8t = 34 <-- Jill
    2. 10c + 7t = 29 <-- Jack
    We have a system of equations. We can solve this one of three ways:
    1. Substitution Method
    2. Elimination Method
    3. Cramer's Rule
    No matter what method we choose, we get:
    • t = 2
    • c = 1.5

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