Gym A: $75 joining fee and $35 monthly charge. Gym B: No joining fee and $60 monthly charge. (Think

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Mar 26, 2020.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    Gym A: $75 joining fee and $35 monthly charge. Gym B: No joining fee and $60 monthly charge. (Think of the monthly charges paid at the end of the month.) Enter the number of months it will take for the total cost for both gyms to be equal.

    Gym A cost function C(m) where m is the number of months:
    C(m) = Monthly charge * months + Joining Fee
    C(m) = 35m + 75

    Gym B cost function C(m) where m is the number of months:
    C(m) = Monthly charge * months + Joining Fee
    C(m) = 60m

    Set them equal to each other:
    35m + 75 = 60m

    To solve for m, we type this equation into our search engine and get:
    m = 3

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