a lighthouse blinks every 12 minutes. A second lighthouse blinks every 10 minutes if they both blink

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Mar 27, 2020.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    a lighthouse blinks every 12 minutes. A second lighthouse blinks every 10 minutes if they both blink at 8:10 P.M at what time will they next blink together

    We want the least common multiple of (10, 12). This will be the next time each number times a multiple equals the same number.

    Typing in LCM 10,12 into our search engine, we get:

    So if we start at 8:10, and 60 minutes later is when both lighthouses blink. 60 minutes equals 1 hour.
    So we add 1 hour to 8:10, we have 9:10

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