Charmaine’s fish tank has 16 liters of water in it. she plans to add 6 liters per minute until the t

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Mar 30, 2020.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    Charmaine’s fish tank has 16 liters of water in it. she plans to add 6 liters per minute until the tank has at least 58 liters. What are the possible numbers of minutes Charmaine could add water?

    This is an algebraic inequality. The phrase at least means greater than or equal to. So we have:
    6m + 16 >= 58 <-- This is our algebraic expression/inequality.

    To solve this, we type this into our search engine and we get:
    m >= 7

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