If the circumference of a circular rug is 16π feet, then what is the area of the rug in terms of pi

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Mar 31, 2020.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    If the circumference of a circular rug is 16π feet, then what is the area of the rug in terms of pi

    C = 2pir, so we have:
    C = 16π
    16π = 2πr

    Divide each side by 2π:
    r = 16π/2π
    r = 8

    Now, the area of a circle A is denoted below:
    A = πr^2

    Given r = 8 from above, we have:
    A = π(8)^2
    A = 64π

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