a popcorn is $7.00 and a drink is $3.50 tax is 7%. how much will I pay?

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Apr 28, 2020.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    a popcorn is $7.00 and a drink is $3.50 tax is 7%. how much will I pay?

    Calculate pre-tax amount:
    Pre-tax amount = Popcorn price + drink price
    Pre-tax amount = 7 + 3.50
    Pre-tax amount = $10.50

    Calculate post-tax amount:
    Post-tax amount = Pre-tax amount * (1 + tax percent/100)
    Post-tax amount = $10.50* (1 + 7/100)
    Post-tax amount = $10.50 * 1.07
    Post-tax amount = $11.24

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