A group of 30 students from your school is part of the audience for a TV game show. The total number

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, May 2, 2020.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    A group of 30 students from your school is part of the audience for a TV game show. The total number of people in the audience is 120. What theoretical probability of 5 students from your school being selected as contestants out of 9 possible contestant spots?

    We want the probability a student from your school is chosen out of total students times total ways to choose students from your school:

    a) P(5 students being selected):
    5/30 * 4/(120 - 30)
    5/30 * 4/90
    Simplifying this fraction, we get:

    b) Total Ways 9 students can be picked from your school:

    Simplifying this fraction, we get:

    Divide a by b:
    1/135 / 3/40

    Simplifying, we get:

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