Harjap is a salesperson at an electronic store earning a base salary of $420 per week. She also earn

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, May 3, 2020.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    Harjap is a salesperson at an electronic store earning a base salary of $420 per week. She also earns 2.0% commission on sales each month. This month she had $131600 in sales. What was harjaps gross income for this month?

    Calculate Monthly Gross Income:
    Gross Income = Monthly Base Salary + Commissions

    Calculate Monthly Base Salary:
    Monthly Base Salary = Weekly Base Salary * 4
    Monthly Base Salary = $420 * 4
    Monthly Base Salary = $1,680

    Calculate Commissions:
    Commissions = Sales * Commission Percent
    Commissions = $131,600 * 2%

    Since 2% as a decimal is 0.02, we have:
    Commissions = $131,600 * 0.02
    Commissions = $2,632

    Calculate Monthly Gross Income:
    Gross Income = Monthly Base Salary + Commissions
    Gross Income = $1,680 + $2632
    Gross Income = $4,312

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