You are parking your car in a garage. The first hour is free but every additional hour is 2 dollars.

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, May 30, 2020.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    You are parking your car in a garage. The first hour is free but every additional hour is 2 dollars. You parked for 3.25 hours. What is the cost?

    Calculate the number of paid hours:
    Paid Hours = Total Hours - 1 (since first hour is free)
    Paid Hours = 3.25 - 1
    Paid Hours = 2.25

    Calculate the total cost:
    Total Cost = Hourly Rate * Paid Hours
    Total Cost = 2 * 2.25
    Paid Hours = $4.50

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