A food truck sells salads for $6.50 each and drinks for $2.00 each. The food trucks revenue from sel

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Jun 19, 2020.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    A food truck sells salads for $6.50 each and drinks for $2.00 each. The food trucks revenue from selling a total of 209 salads and drinks in one day was $836.50. How many salads were sold that day?

    Let the number of drinks be d. Let the number of salads be s. We're given two equations:
    1. 2d + 6.50s = 836.50
    2. d + s = 209
    We can use substitution to solve this system of equations quickly. The question asks for the number of salads (s). Therefore, we want all expressions in terms of s. Rearrange Equation 2 by subtracting s from both sides:
    d + s - s = 209 - s

    Cancel the s's, we get:
    d = 209 - s

    So we have the following system of equations:
    1. 2d + 6.50s = 836.50
    2. d = 209 - s
    Substitute equation (2) into equation (1) for d:
    2(209 - s) + 6.50s = 836.50

    Multiply through to remove the parentheses:
    418 - 2s + 6.50s = 836.50

    To solve this equation for s, we type it into our search engine and we get:
    s = 93

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