52% of a town's households have children and 25% have pets. If 12% have both, what percent have neit

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Aug 13, 2020.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    52% of a town's households have children and 25% have pets. If 12% have both, what percent have neither

    Let C represent households with children. Let P represents households with pets. We have the formula to determine households with Children or Pets as C U P (C Union P) or (C or P):
    C U P = C + P - (C and P)
    C U P = 52% + 25% - 12%
    C U P = 65%

    Now, if we want to find what percent have neither, we use (C U P)':
    (C U P)' = 100% - (C U P)
    (C U P)' = 100% - 65%
    (C U P)' = 35%

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