Lanette walked forward 9 steps, backward 15 steps, forward 7 steps, and backward 8 steps. How many s

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Aug 14, 2020.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    Lanette walked forward 9 steps, backward 15 steps, forward 7 steps, and backward 8 steps. How many steps is lanette from where she started?

    We use (+) for forward steps and (-) for backward steps
    • Forward 9, backward 15 is: +9 - 15 = -6
    • Forward 7 steps is: -6 + 7 = +1
    • Backward 8 steps = +1 - 8 = -7
    Since negative is backward and positive is forward, we see Lanette is 7 steps backwards from her starting point.

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