A car drives 3 feet the first second, 9 feet in the next second, and 27 feet in the third second. If

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Aug 30, 2020.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    A car drives 3 feet the first second, 9 feet in the next second, and 27 feet in the third second. If the pattern stays the same, how far will the car have traveled after 5 seconds, in feet?

    Our pattern is found by the distance function D(t), where we have 3 to the power of the time (t) in seconds as seen below:
    D(t) = 3^t

    The problem asks for D(5):
    D(5) = 3^5
    D(5) = 243

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