You go to your favorite restaurant. The bill for the food is $74.26. The tax on the bill will be 9%.

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Sep 8, 2020.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    You go to your favorite restaurant. The bill for the food is $74.26. The tax on the bill will be 9%. You are planning on giving a tip on that total amount (bill and tax together) of 20%. What is your final bill, all taxes and tips included?

    Calculate the after tax amount:
    After tax amount = Bill * (1 + Tax Rate)

    Since 9% = 0.09, we have:
    After tax amount = 74.26 * (1 + 0.09)
    After tax amount = 74.26 * 1.09
    After tax amount = 80.94

    Calculate the Tip amount:
    Tip amount = After tax amount * tip percent

    Since 20% = 0.2, we have:
    Tip amount = 80.94 * 0.20
    Tip amount = 16.19

    Calculate the final bill:
    Final Bill = After Tax Amount + Tip Amount
    Final Bill = 80.94 + 16.19
    Final Bill = 97.13

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