A thermometer has a range of 1.5 degrees of the temperature, what is the maximum and minimum at 87.4

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Sep 14, 2020.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    A thermometer has a range of 1.5 degrees of the temperature, what is the maximum and minimum at 87.4 degrees

    Range = Max - Min

    Divide this by 2 to get the lesser half and larger half:
    Half-Range = 1.5/2
    Half-Range = 0.75

    Our Maximum temperature is:
    Max Temp = Current Temp + Half-Range
    Max Temp = 87.4 + 0.75
    Max Temp = 88.15

    Our Minimum temperature is:
    Min Temp = Current Temp - Half-Range
    Min Temp = 87.4 - 0.75
    Min Temp = 86.65

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