A pair of jeans are priced at $129.99 there is a discount of 20% and sales tax of 8% what is the fin

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Jun 24, 2021.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    A pair of jeans are priced at $129.99 there is a discount of 20% and sales tax of 8% what is the final cost

    Calculate discounted price:
    Discounted price = Full price * (100% - discount percent)
    Discounted price = 129.99 * (100% - 20%)
    Discounted price = 129.99 * 80%

    Since 80% = 0.8, we have:
    Discounted price = 129.99 * 0.8
    Discounted price = 103.99

    Calculate after tax cost:
    Tax Rate = Tax percent/100
    Tax Rate = 8/100
    Tax Rate = 0.08

    After Tax cost = Discounted price * (1 + Tax rate)
    After Tax cost = 103.99 * (1 + 0.08)
    After Tax cost = 103.99 * 1.08
    After Tax cost = 112.31

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