Suppose a city's population is 740,000. If the population grows by 12,620 per year, find the populat

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Jul 16, 2021.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    Suppose a city's population is 740,000. If the population grows by 12,620 per year, find the population of the city in 7 years.

    We setup the population function P(y) where y is the number of years of population growth, g is the growth per year, and P(0) is the original population.
    P(y) = P(0) + gy

    Plugging in our numbers of y = 7, g = 12,620, and P(0) = 740,000, we have:
    P(7) = 740,000 + 12,620 * 7
    P(7) = 740,000 + 88,340
    P(7) = 828,340

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