A company makes toy boats. Their monthly fixed costs are $1500. The variable costs are $50 per boat.

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Jul 26, 2021.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    A company makes toy boats. Their monthly fixed costs are $1500. The variable costs are $50 per boat. They sell boats for $75 a piece. How many boats must be sold each month to break even?

    Set up Cost function C(b) where t is the number of tapestries:
    C(b) = Cost per boat * number of boats + Fixed Cost
    C(b) = 50b + 1500

    Set up Revenue function R(b) where t is the number of tapestries:
    R(b) = Sale Price * number of boats
    R(b) = 75b

    Break even is where Revenue equals Cost, or Revenue minus Cost is 0, so we have:
    R(b) - C(b) = 0
    75b - (50b + 1500) = 0
    75b - 50b - 1500 = 0
    25b - 1500 = 0

    To solve for b, we type this equation in our math engine and we get:
    b = 60

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