You work for a remote manufacturing plant and have been asked to provide some data about the cost of

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Oct 15, 2021.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    You work for a remote manufacturing plant and have been asked to provide some data about the cost of specific amounts of remote each remote, r, costs $3 to make, in addition to $2000 for labor. Write an expression to represent the total cost of manufacturing a remote. Then, use the expression to answer the following question. What is the cost of producing 2000 remote controls?

    We've got 2 questions here.

    Question 1: We want the cost function C(r) where r is the number of remotes:
    C(r) = Variable Cost per unit * r units + Fixed Cost (labor)
    C(r) = 3r + 2000

    Question 2: What is the cost of producing 2000 remote controls.
    In this case, r = 2000, so we want C(2000)
    C(2000) = 3(2000) + 2000
    C(2000) = 6000 + 2000
    C(2000) = $8000

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