a recipe of 20 bread rolls requires 5 tablespoons of butter. How many tablespoons of butter are need

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Oct 21, 2021.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    a recipe of 20 bread rolls requires 5 tablespoons of butter. How many tablespoons of butter are needed for 30 bread rolls?

    Set up a proportion of bread rolls per tablespoons of butter where t is the amount of tablespoons of butter needed for 30 bread rolls:
    20/5 = 30/t

    Cross multiply our proportion:
    Numerator 1 * Denominator 2 = Denominator 1 * Numerator 2
    20t = 30 * 5
    20t = 150

    Divide each side of the equation by 20:
    20t/20 = 150/20

    Cancel the 20's on the left side and we get:
    t = 7.5

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