jane has 55$ to spend at cedar point. the admission price is 42$ and each soda is 4.25. write an ine

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Nov 5, 2021.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    jane has 55$ to spend at cedar point. the admission price is 42$ and each soda is 4.25. write an inequality to show how many sodas he can buy.

    Let s be the number of sodas.

    Cost for the day is:
    Price per soda * s + Admission Price
    4.25s + 42

    We're told that Jane has 55, which means Jane cannot spend more than 55. Jane can spend up to or less than 55. We write this as an inequality using <= 55
    4.25s + 42 <= 55

    If the problems asks you to solve for s, we type it in our math engine and we get:

    Solve for s in the inequality 4.25s + 42 ≤ 55

    Step 1: Group constants:
    We need to group our constants 42 and 55. To do that, we subtract 42 from both sides
    4.25s + 42 - 42 ≤ 55 - 42

    Step 2: Cancel 42 on the left side:
    4.25s ≤ 13

    Step 3: Divide each side of the inequality by 4.25
    4.25s/4.25 ≤ 13/4.25
    s ≤ 3.06

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