A textbook store sold a combined total of 307 biology and chemistry textbooks in a week. The number

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Jan 22, 2017.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    A textbook store sold a combined total of 307 biology and chemistry textbooks in a week. The number of chemistry textbooks sold was 71 less than the number of biology textbooks sold. How many textbooks of each type were sold?

    Let b be the number of biology books and c be the number of chemistry books. We have two equations:

    1. b + c = 307
    2. c = b - 71
    Substitute (2) into (1) for c
    b + (b - 71) = 307

    Combine like terms:
    2b - 71 = 307

    Using our equation solver, we get:
    b = 189

    Now substitute that into (2):
    c = 189 - 71
    c = 118

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