At what simple interest rate will 4500$ amount to 8000$ in 5 years?

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Feb 2, 2017.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    At what simple interest rate will 4500$ amount to 8000$ in 5 years?

    Simple Interest is written as 1 + it.

    With t = 5, we have:
    4500(1 + 5i) = 8000

    Divide each side by 4500
    1 + 5i = 1.77777778

    Subtract 1 from each side:
    5i = 0.77777778

    Divide each side by 5
    i = 0.15555

    As a percentage we multiply by 100 to get 15.5%

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