There are 64 members in the history club. 11 less than half of the members are girls. How many membe

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Feb 16, 2017.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    There are 64 members in the history club. 11 less than half of the members are girls. How many members are boys?

    Set up two equations where b = the number of boys and g = the number of girls
    1. b + g = 64
    2. 1/2(b + g) - 11 = g
    Substitute (1) for b + g into (2)
    1/2(64) - 11 = g
    32 - 11 = g
    g = 21

    Substitute g = 21 into (1)
    b + 21 = 64

    Using our equation calculator, we get:
    b = 43

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