A cashier has a total of 52 bills in her cash drawer. There are only $10 bills and $5 bills in her

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Jul 6, 2019.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    A cashier has a total of 52 bills in her cash drawer. There are only $10 bills and $5 bills in her drawer. The value of the bills is $320. How many $10 bills are in the drawer?

    Let f be the amount of $5 bills in her drawer. Let t be the amount of $10 bills in her drawer. We're given two equations:
    1. f + t = 52
    2. 5f + 10t = 320
    We have a system of equations. We can solve this 3 ways below:
    No matter what method we choose, we get:
    f = 40 and t = 12

    So the answer for how many $10 bills are in the drawer is 12.

    Let's check our work for equation 1:
    40 + 12 ? 52
    52 = 52 <-- Confirmed

    Let's check our work for equation 2:
    5(40) + 10(12) ? 320
    200 + 120 ? 320
    320 = 320 <-- Confirmed

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