A medium orange has 70 calories. This is 10 calories less then 1/4 of the calories in a sugar krunch

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Oct 29, 2016.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    A medium orange has 70 calories. This is 10 calories less then 1/4 of the calories in a sugar krunchy. How many calories are in a sugar crunchy?

    Let s = calories in a sugar crunch. Let o = 70 be the calories in a medium orange. Set up the equation:
    o = 1/4s - 10
    70 = 1/4s - 10

    Add 10 to each side
    1/4s = 80

    Multiply each side by 4
    s = 320

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