A restaurant bill comes to $28.35. Find the total cost if the tax is 6.25% and a 20% tip is left on

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Sep 22, 2019.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    A restaurant bill comes to $28.35. Find the total cost if the tax is 6.25% and a 20% tip is left on the amount before tax.

    Calculate the tip:
    Tip = Bill Before Tax * Tip %
    Tip = $28.35 * 20%
    Tip = $5.67

    Calculate Tax:
    Tax = Bill without Tip * Tax %
    Tax = $28.35 * 6.25%
    Tax = $1.77

    Total Cost = Bill + Tax + Tip
    Total Cost = $28.35 + $5.67 + $1.77
    Total Cost = $35.79

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