A school wants to buy a chalkboard that measures 1 yard by 2 yards. The chalkboard costs $27.31 per

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Oct 29, 2019.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    A school wants to buy a chalkboard that measures 1 yard by 2 yards. The chalkboard costs $27.31 per square yard. How much will the chalkboard cost?

    Area of a chalkboard is denoted as :
    A = lw

    Given 1 yard width and 2 years length of the chalkboard, we have:
    A = 2(1)
    A = 2 square yards

    Therefore, total cost is:
    Total Cost = $27.31 * square yards
    Total Cost = $27.31(2)
    Total Cost = $54.62

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