Divya has 70 rocks. She donates half of the rocks to a science center. Then she collects 3 rocks on

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Dec 1, 2021.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    Divya has 70 rocks. She donates half of the rocks to a science center. Then she collects 3 rocks on each of her nature hikes. Write an expression to represent the number of rocks Divya has after she collects rocks on n nature hikes.

    For each hike, we have:
    1. Start with 70 rocks
    2. She donates half which is 35, which means she's left with 35
    Since each nature hike gives her 3 more rocks, and she goes on n nature hikes, we have the following algebraic expression:
    3n + 35

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