Dora has $35 saved. She earns $9.50 per hour at her job. How many hours must she work to have a tota

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Feb 23, 2018.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    Dora has $35 saved. She earns $9.50 per hour at her job. How many hours must she work to have a total of $358 in her savings?

    Subtract the existing savings from the desired savings to see what we have left:
    358 - 35 = 323

    Now, at 9.50 per hour, how many hours of work does she need to get 323?

    Let h be the number of hours. We have:
    9.50h = 323

    Running this problem through our search engine, we get
    h = 34

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