Jim is 9 years older than June. Alex is 8 years younger than June. If the total of their ages is 82,

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Jan 3, 2019.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    Jim is 9 years older than June. Alex is 8 years younger than June. If the total of their ages is 82, how old is the eldest of them

    Let j be Jim's age, a be Alex's age, and u be June's age. We have 3 given equations:
    1. j + a + u = 82
    2. j = u + 9
    3. a = u - 8
    Substitute (2) and (3) into (1)
    (u + 9) + (u - 8) + u = 82

    Combine Like Terms:
    3u + 1 = 82

    Type this equation into the search engine, and we get u = 27.

    The eldest (oldest) of the 3 is Jim. So we have from equation (2)
    j = u + 9
    j = 27 + 9
    j = 36

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