Mrs. Taylor is making identical costumes for the dancers in the dance club. She uses 126 pink ribbon

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Aug 23, 2020.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    Mrs. Taylor is making identical costumes for the dancers in the dance club. She uses 126 pink ribbons and 108 yellow ribbons.

    a) What is the maximum possible number of costumes she can make?

    b) How many pink and how many yellow ribbons are on each costume?

    a), we want the greatest common factor (GCF) of 108 and 126. Using our GCF calculator we get:
    a) 18 costumes

    Pink Ribbons per costume = Total Pink Ribbons / GCF in question a
    Pink Ribbons per costume = 126/18
    Pink Ribbons per costume = 7

    Yellow Ribbons per costume = Total Yellow Ribbons / GCF in question a
    Yellow Ribbons per costume = 108/18
    Yellow Ribbons per costume = 6

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