Researchers in Antarctica discovered a warm sea current under the glacier that is causing the glacie

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Oct 21, 2019.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    Researchers in Antarctica discovered a warm sea current under the glacier that is causing the glacier to melt. The ice shelf of the glacier had a thickness of approximately 450 m when it was first discovered. The thickness of the ice shelf is decreasing at an average rate if 0.06 m per day.

    Which function can be used to find the thickness of the ice shelf in meters x days since the discovery?

    We want to build an function I(x) where x is the number of days since the ice shelf discovery.
    We start with 450 meters, and each day (x), the ice shelf loses 0.06m, which means we subtract this from 450.

    I(x) = 450 - 0.06x

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