The admission fee at an amusement park is $1.50 for children and $4.00 for adults. On a certain day,

Discussion in 'Calculator Requests' started by math_celebrity, Feb 28, 2017.

  1. math_celebrity

    math_celebrity Administrator Staff Member

    The admission fee at an amusement park is $1.50 for children and $4.00 for adults. On a certain day, 281 people entered the park, and the admission fees collected totaled $784 . How many children and how many adults were admitted?

    Let c be the number of children and a be the number of adults. We have two equations:
    1. a + c = 281
    2. 4a + 1.5c = 784
    Using our simultaneous equations calculator, we get:
    • a = 145
    • c = 136

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